Saturday, January 18, 2014

Weekend Insanity

Some news bits from today:

I guess my biggest problem is giving the "Expanded Universe" any consideration at all.  Perhaps it's a sweet fiction that fans allowed themselves to believe in the post-Episode VI ephemera, but from a purist standpoint I don't feel it's necessary.  To me, Star Wars has always been, at heart, a film-based entry primarily.  Everything else is just fan-fiction.

I would like to think that any further exploration of the Star Wars universe would not involve the Skywalker legacy directly, but instead splinter off into another part of the galaxy, because surely Obi-Wan and Yoda were not the only Jedi to escape Order 66...

 Some Jedi--somewhere--must have run, and kept running, and kept running until the Empire was just a whisper of a rumor somewhere far, far away.   There, a new Jedi order could be established, brining order to a lawless outworld way beyond the outer rim, and a new legacy would begin....

Call me a dreamer.

* * *

SO surprised. 

So, in a direct assault to Marvel's Movie Machine, the situation would appear to be that D.C./Warner is going to do its damnedest to cobble together a massive Justice League movie, and to do so, they're going to need time.  

This whole idea of taking more time...I like the idea of it.  Rather than rush a movie out, how about you make a good movie?

I'm a Superman devotee, I really am.  Though I've really had a challenging time of dealing with "Man of Steel".  I want to like it as much as those who really like it did....but I can't, somehow.  If there's a better follow up, I can forgive it as an incomplete first chapter.  But if there's another slap-dash DC superhero movie trying to glean the lowest fanboy denominator, well...they can save it.  

Bring on Rocket Raccoon already.

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