Tuesday, January 14, 2014

In the Beginning...

...there was...Howard the Duck?

Hi!  Welcome!  You're awesome, whether or not you're actually reading this, but moreso if you actually are!  Kicking it off with a completely obscure reference to a doomed George Lucas-produced 80's movie is just setting the bar high, I'll tell you what.

Steve TOWNsley firing up my new blog "Comic Book TOWN" (See what I did there?), in which I Geek.  Yes, Geek is a Verb, ladies and gentledroids.

This was inspired by a trip to a local Comic Bookerie, where I had the notion that I spend much time thinking about this stuff, but not a lot of actually sharing my thoughts or trying to formulate them in any cogent manner.  So as I picked up copy of "Avengers World #1" and "Deadpool: Dead Presidents", I thought it was high time I start writing down my thoughts, because, dammit, they're worth writing.

First off, I'm a cartoonist.  I appreciate all forms of art in some fashion, but I love cartoons, animations and comic books.  Any one kind?  Not really....

I like "All Ages" comic books, because they can be read by just about anyone with no comic background.
I like Superhero comics because, Super Heroes.
I like mature comics because they've got powerful stories, and art unlike you see in your everyday off-the-rack books.
 I prefer trades to single-issues, because I'm a little impatient with story lines, but yet I'm patient enough to usually wait until enough issues have accumulated to warrant a published book.
I don't subscribe, I prefer a more adventurous, exploratory approach to Comic Book stores...when I walk in, I usually open my mind and see what impresses me today.
I will most often buy at least ONE book whenever I set foot in a store.  I try to support small stores when available, and do most of my purchasing there.  And they're usually run by cool people.
Have I bought digital comics?  Sure I have, though I probably own more hard copies.

I just moved to Portland late last year, and it already feels like a very Comic Book Town.  (That was another inspiration right there, that was.)  I've found at least three very good stores that I like to visit, and a good bookstore that has some good deals on used books.  I'll probably end up writing a bit about my experiences there, too.  Sometimes they're too good not to put down.

I hope you'll join me in this new venture.  You can follow me here, on Facebook, and on Twitter (@ComicBookTown)   Thanks.  More soon...

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