...there was...Howard the Duck?
Hi! Welcome! You're awesome, whether or not you're actually reading this, but moreso if you actually are! Kicking it off with a completely obscure reference to a doomed George Lucas-produced 80's movie is just setting the bar high, I'll tell you what.
Steve TOWNsley firing up my new blog "Comic Book TOWN" (See what I did there?), in which I Geek. Yes, Geek is a Verb, ladies and gentledroids.
This was inspired by a trip to a local Comic Bookerie, where I had the notion that I spend much time thinking about this stuff, but not a lot of actually sharing my thoughts or trying to formulate them in any cogent manner. So as I picked up copy of "Avengers World #1" and "Deadpool: Dead Presidents", I thought it was high time I start writing down my thoughts, because, dammit, they're worth writing.
First off, I'm a cartoonist. I appreciate all forms of art in some fashion, but I love cartoons, animations and comic books. Any one kind? Not really....
I like "All Ages" comic books, because they can be read by just about anyone with no comic background.
I like Superhero comics because, Super Heroes.
I like mature comics because they've got powerful stories, and art unlike you see in your everyday off-the-rack books.
I prefer trades to single-issues, because I'm a little impatient with story lines, but yet I'm patient enough to usually wait until enough issues have accumulated to warrant a published book.
I don't subscribe, I prefer a more adventurous, exploratory approach to Comic Book stores...when I walk in, I usually open my mind and see what impresses me today.
I will most often buy at least ONE book whenever I set foot in a store. I try to support small stores when available, and do most of my purchasing there. And they're usually run by cool people.
Have I bought digital comics? Sure I have, though I probably own more hard copies.
I just moved to Portland late last year, and it already feels like a very Comic Book Town. (That was another inspiration right there, that was.) I've found at least three very good stores that I like to visit, and a good bookstore that has some good deals on used books. I'll probably end up writing a bit about my experiences there, too. Sometimes they're too good not to put down.
I hope you'll join me in this new venture. You can follow me here, on Facebook, and on Twitter (@ComicBookTown) Thanks. More soon...
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