Monday, January 20, 2014

Good 'Ol Steve

Happy Monday, True Believers--What's on your reading shelf this week?

My first Captain America comic was a "What if..." book that I read in the mid-80's.

I'm not sure that it gave me the proper tone of Captain America.  Here was a guy dressed up like an American flag, and wearing fish-scale armor and I guess all in all, I just wasn't blown away.  This wasn't a book about the Avengers battling evil, or Cap punching Hydra agents.  This was a book about American culture and politics.  I remember the cover really well, and I've been trying to find it amongst the back issues in my favorite Comic Book lairs, though I've been unsuccessful in my hunt.  

At the time (again, the mid-80's), I wrote off Cap as "too political" and not interesting enough to get excited about.  He couldn't fly, he had no lasers that shot out of his eyes, he wasn't magical.  All he had was a shield.  Not even a sword--just a shield.  Rarely even carried a gun.  

Some years later, I've been finding a new appreciation for him--for different reasons.  Ironically because he doesn't have crazy powers, because he doesn't fly.  I think my interest started to turn around shortly after the movie "Thor".  I wasn't getting excited about Cap--just curious.  I had some friends and co-workers who *loved* Cap, and were so excited, and I wanted to share in their excitement too.  But I wanted to have a personal attachment to the character, and not just a superficial peer-pressure attachment.

The movie got me excited about the character.  I had taken my dad to see "Thor" and while I enjoyed it, he thought it was "ok".  When I took him to see "Captain America", even he liked it.   (This might have been partially due to the presence of the amazing deadpan Tommy Lee Jones, but whatever the reason, I accepted it as a win.)

I began to pick up more "Avengers" books.  Not quite ready for Cap on his own, I wanted to see him as a Team Leader.  I played "Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2" on Playstation, and chose Cap's side.  I read "Marvel Ultimates" for the amazing Cap artwork.   I suppose what it was working up to was that I was beginning to appreciate Cap for being just a really good guy who stood up for the weak and truth and justice and all that good stuff.  (Heck, this was a guy you wanted to vote for!)

I'm eagerly awaiting the second movie (out later this year), and sating my eagerness with some new books.

Same costume that I saw in the 80's, same shield, same scaly armor.  But now I have a better grasp of the character.  I understand why he's important to the Marvelverse.  I know who he is out of the mask.      

I'm getting in touch with my inner Agent Coulson.

Got any good Cap favorites or recommendations?  Post 'em here.  Will have some book reviews for you soon.

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